Phase IV: Mainnet

Enclose Mainnet

The Enclosed Mainnet phase signifies the initial launch of the Mainnet with specific access restrictions to ensure stability and security. Here are the key elements of this phase:

Controlled Environment:

  • Firewalled Network: The Mainnet will be operational but will have a firewall to block any unauthorized external connections. This ensures that only verified participants can interact with the Mainnet during this initial period.

  • Security Circles: Early adopters will transfer their AZC tokens to the Mainnet, contributing to the development of a secure and trusted environment. These transfers will be monitored and controlled to maintain network integrity.

Community Development:

  • Application Development: During this phase, developers and early adopters will focus on building and refining applications and utilities on the AZC blockchain. This will involve creating dApps and smart contracts that can be tested within the secure confines of the Enclosed Mainnet.

  • Feedback Loop: The controlled environment allows for a robust feedback loop where the community can report issues and suggest improvements. This feedback is crucial for iterative enhancements and ensuring the readiness of the ecosystem for the Open Mainnet phase.

Performance and Stability Testing:

  • Node Performance: Continuous monitoring and testing of node performance to ensure the network can handle the anticipated load and transaction volume. This involves stress testing and performance optimization.

  • Security Audits: Regular security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and mitigate potential risks. This includes penetration testing and code reviews by security experts.

Open Mainnet

The Open Mainnet phase marks the transition to a fully operational and decentralized network. Here are the critical aspects of this phase:

Decentralized Access:

  • Removing the Firewall: The firewall that restricted external connections during the Enclosed Mainnet phase will be removed, allowing anyone to connect to the AZC Mainnet. This opens the network to external entities such as other blockchain networks, wallets, and users.

  • Global Node Participation: Encouraging global participation by allowing nodes from different parts of the world to join the network. This enhances decentralization and improves network resilience.

Ecosystem Expansion:

  • Broad Adoption: With the Open Mainnet, AZCoiner aims to achieve broad adoption of its blockchain. This involves onboarding new users, developers, and enterprises to use and build on the AZC network.

  • Interoperability: Ensuring interoperability with other blockchain networks and systems. This includes implementing cross-chain communication protocols and integration solutions to connect AZC with other blockchain ecosystems.

Community and Governance:

  • Decentralized Governance: Establishing decentralized governance mechanisms that allow the community to participate in decision-making processes. This may involve voting systems and governance tokens to enable a fair and transparent management of the network.

  • Incentive Programs: Launching incentive programs to reward participants who contribute to the network's security, development, and growth. This includes staking rewards, developer grants, and community bounties.

Ongoing Maintenance:

  • Continuous Monitoring: Implementing robust monitoring tools to continuously track network performance and security. This ensures that any issues can be detected and addressed promptly.

  • Regular Updates: Rolling out regular updates and upgrades to the network to enhance functionality, security, and user experience. This involves a structured release schedule and thorough testing before deployment.

Last updated